

D.C.- first and second day

Sunday, June 19th, 2011
My mom and I left on United Airlines, on our way to Washington D.C.

We had a 1 hour lay-over in Chicago- perfect amount of time to grab a bite to eat, etc.

We arrived at roughly 3:00 pm

The 3 hour time change was KILLER! I fell asleep at 5:00ish, and woke up at 9:00, starving, and ordered room service.

Debi and I stayed up, dancing and singing around the hotel room, until 2:00 in the morning.

I fell into a long, long sleep.......

Monday, June 20th, 2011

After sleeping until almost noon, we decided to get going for the day.

Childrens Congress started today, and we had to register, so I headed down to get our packet of info, and swag.

At 2:00, I had a song rehearsal with Crystal Bowersox. We sang "Promise to Remember me".

Dinner that night was at 6:00. That is 3:00 our time, and I was not hungry at all......

I ordered room service later that night.

We introduced ourselves in front of the live feed.

"Hi there, my name is Anna Louise Martin, and I am from the great state of Oregon; home of Pine trees and rain. I am 13 years old, and I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2006."

wth? Do we even have pine trees in OR?

Anyways, I was super tired that night and fell asleep at a whopping 11:30!

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

We had to get up at 6:00 in the morning (3:00 our time)

We didn't really do anything interesting, meetings, talking, etc.

They gave us the night off!

We explored the Museum of American History. It was truly amazing!

The best exhibit was the First Lady's dresses.

My mom and I both found it touching to see the woman of our country's history.

Martha Washington had a dress there.

            It was simply beautiful.

Shopping, walking, and sleep concluded our night.

We had another big big big day tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hey- if I remember correctly, Tuesday wasn't boring at all! Just an unimportant woman named Justice Sonya Sotomayer (of the US Supreme Court!) came and spent a wonderful hour chatting with all the delegates...she's one tough cookie, but as she says, "Her job rocks".
