

Garage Sale-ing with Reider

What a day.
My muscles are sore from lifting ridiculous items the we got while out garage sale-ing
at the community garage sale in my nieghborhood!

Some Cutie-batootie espadrilles- $3

Flat Screen T.V.- Free

History Books for Reid- $20 for WHOLE SET+2 other chapter books

Pretty Blue Soccer Ball- $2

The complete works of William Shakespeare- $1

Pretty fabric- 50 cents

2 Yards of cool blue fabric- $3

Brand Spankin new Xbox headset -$4 ( worth $40)
Bookshelf+Leather Office Chair (Not Pictured)- Free!
and another project for me! Yipee!

Pretty cool huh?

It was so fun to spend time with my bfb (big friendly brother)

And we got LOTS of cool stuff too!


  1. a.l.l.l.p.m. Great shopping. I want to see the chair. Good job having Reid take you. REid I love the history books.

  2. Wow Anna! Sounds like a super successful shopping trip! You just made me crave garage sales!!!! THANKS!

  3. Wow! I would have loved to go but this weekend was packed! Those are some cute shoes! Wheres the tv going?? haha! nice finds!
